Course curriculum
Video—About Course Author
Video—Our Approach to Learning
Video—The Path to Future Success™
About the Course
Activity—Goals and Program Survey
Video—About The Module
Introduction to Foundations for Understanding Career Development
The Importance of a Career in a Person's Life
Video—The Changing Nature of Life, Learning, and Work
Download—Reflection: Powerful Questions
Influences on Your Career
Other Influencing Factors
Activity—Map Your Career to Date
Career Myths That Can Make Career Decisions Redundant
Video—Myth 1
Video—Myth 2
Video—Myth 3
Video—Myth 4
Activity—Reflective Questions: Identify Career Myths That You Hold
Introduction to the "High Five" Principles of Career Development
1. Change Is Constant
2. Know Yourself, Believe in Yourself, and Follow Your Heart
3. Focus on the Journey
4. Learning Is Ongoing
5. Access Your Allies
What is Career Coaching?
Aims of Career Coaching
Holistic Career Coaching
Role of a Career Coach
Video—Role of a Career Coach
How is a Career Counselor Different From a Career Coach?
How Do Career Coaches Support Individuals in Achieving their Professional Goals?
Activity—Personal Reflection: Your Experience of Career Coaching
Video—Principles for Career Coach
Video—Types of Career Coaching
Video—The Work of a Career Development Practitioner
Techniques of Working
Activity—The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Techniques of Working
Introduction to the 10 Qualities of a Career Coach
1. Self-Aware
2. Authentic and Genuine
3. High Integrity
4. Respectful
5. Positive Attitude
6. Good at Building Rapport
7. Impartial, No Judgments
8. Challenging
9. Resourceful
10. Flexible
Activity—Identify Career Coach Qualities
Activity—Reflective Activity: Identify the Qualities You Possess
Video—Basic Coaching Skills
Activity—Develop Self-Awareness
Video—Benefits of Career Coaching
Career Advisor
Career Coaching
Career Counseling
Career Development
Career: Guidance | Advice | Education | Information | Pathways
Career: Technology | Influencer | Management | Management Skills
Download—Write Your Action Plan
Conclusion to Module 1
Video—About the Module
Introduction to Traits and Types
Trait and Factor Theory
Hierarchy of Orientations—John Holland
Activity—Self-Administer a Personality and Vocational Choice Test
Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career Choice
Activity—Identify Your Experience in Each Life Event
Myers-Briggs Type Theory
Activity—Administer the Personality Type Indicator
Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma
Activity—Ginzberg Model
Super's Five Life and Career Development Stages
Super's Life Roles
Download—Identify Your Current Career and Life Stage
Gottfredson Theory
Activity—Reflective Questions
Chaos Theory of Careers
The Type of Person Who Can Deal with Uncertainty and Chaos
Activity—Apply Chaos Theory to Your Situation
Activity—How Do You Deal with Uncertainty and Change?
Download—Write Your Action Plan
Video—About the Module
Introduction to Career Coaching Applications
What is Career Coaching?
Activity—Word Association and Career Connections Mapping
Aims of Career Coaching
Seven Fundamental Principles Of Career Coaching
Activity—Reflect on Your Coaching Experience
1. Forming a Collaborative, Not an Authoritarian, Relationship Between the Coach and Client
2. Focusing on Solutions Rather than Problems
3. Assuming Clients have Good Mental Health without Requiring Medical or Clinical Psychological Attention
4. Setting Collaborative Goals which is the Foundation for Measurable, Meaningful, and Sustainable Change
5. Helping Clients Move Forward to Maximize their Performance and Reach their Potential
6. Facilitating Learning to Support the Client’s Progress
7. Helping the Client Learn Rather than Instructing Them
Activity—Reflect on Your Coaching Experience
Why is Career Coaching Important in Today's Workforce?
The Differences Between Mentoring, Counseling, Training, and Teaching
1. Application of the Theory and Use of Coaching Techniques
2. Ethical Practice
3. Facilitate Coaching
4. Set Goals
5. Build the Relationship
6. Build Trust
7. Challenge Thinking and Assumptions
8. Drive Results
Activity—Role Play—Applying Career Coaching Skills
How Do You See Yourself? How Do Others See You?
Download—Build Self-Awareness: How Do You See Yourself? How Do Others See You?
A Model for Career Coaching
Stage 1—Exploration: Current Scenario
Stage 2—Preferred Scenario
Stage 3—Action Strategies/Way Forward
Activity—Practice Coaching Skills
Stages of Change
Application of Egan’s Model to Coaching
Download—Understanding Your Stage of Change and the Strategies for Each Stage
“ER” Addition to the SMART Formula: Work SMARTER, Not Harder!
Video—SMARTER Goal Setting
The GROW Model
Steps in the GROW Model
Case Study Applying the GROW Model
Download—Note Your Career Goals Using the GROW Model
Video—Building Your Inner Coach
Appreciative Inquiry
The Four Stages of Appreciative Inquiry
Five Core Principles for Appreciative Inquiry
Five Emerging Principles
How to Apply Appreciative Inquiry During Coaching
Benefits of the Appreciative Inquiry Model
Activities—Applying the Skill of Appreciative Inquiry
Solution-Focused Therapy
A Solution-Focused Approach
Basic Assumptions
Benefits of a Solution-Focused Approach
Introduction to Solution-Focused Therapy Techniques
1. Scaling Questions
Activity—Answer a Scaling Question
2. The Miracle Question
Advantages of the Miracle Question
Video—The Miracle Question
Activity—Answer a Follow-Up Miracle Question
3. Coping Questions
Activity—Answer Coping Questions
4. Exception Questions
Activity—Answer Exception Questions
5. Questions that Presuppose Change
Activity—Answer Questions that Presuppose Change
Activity—Reflective Activity
Activity—Additional Practice Using the Skills
What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy?
Types of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Steps in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Video—What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy?
Cognitive Restructuring or Reframing
How to Use Cognitive Restructuring
Cognitive Journal
Activity—Cognitive Restructuring or Reframing
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
ABC Model
Video—The ABC Model
Download—Apply the ABCDE Model to Your Situation
Activity—Insightful Question: Irrational Beliefs
Cognitive Distortions
Activity—Self-Awareness: Identify Your Common Cognitive Distortions
Download—Identify the Negative Distortion
Acceptance Commitment Therapy
Core Principles and Processes of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Video—Apply Acceptance and Commitment Techniques
Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Download—Write Your Action Plan
About the Module
Introduction to Practitioner Well-Being and Self-Care in Career Development
What is Self-Awareness?
Why is Self-Awareness Important for Career Coaches?
The Awareness Wheel
Download—Apply the Awareness Wheel to a Situation
Activity—Develop Your Self-Awareness: Insightful Questions
Activity—Understanding Your Motivation: Three Whys
How to Develop Self-Awareness
Benefits of Self-Awareness
Focus on Wellness
Holistic Wellness
The Wellness Wheel
Video—The Wellness Wheel
Activity—Reflection on Your Wellness Wheel
Roadblocks to Wellness and Strategies That Support You
What is Self-Care?
General Guidelines for Self—Care
Download—Rate Your Self-Care: Questionnaire
Download—Identify Your Self-Care Toolbox
Your Professional Network as a Self-Care Strategy
Activity―Identify Your Professional Network
The Importance of Well-being and Self—Care for Career Coaches When Working With Clients
The Impact of Neglecting Your Well-Being and Self—Care As A Career Coach
Activity—Create a Self-Care Vision Board
Download—Write Your Action Plan
About the Module
Introduction to Legal and Ethical Requirements in Career Development
Regulation of the Career Industry
Download—What are Professional Standards?
Activity—Identify the Professional Standards of Your Country’s Peak Body
Code of Ethics
Aspirational Ethics Versus Mandatory Ethics
Activity—Apply Aspirational Ethics and Mandatory Ethics to Your Practice
Code of Ethics in the Career Industry
Download—Identify the Professional Code of Ethics of Your Country’s Peak Body
Code of Ethics Versus Code of Conduct
Download—Understand Professional Behavior
Download—Reflect on Your Code of Conduct
Scope of Practice
Activity—Your Response to the Scope of Practice
Fulfill Duty of Care Responsibilities During Your Professional Practice
Duty of Care—Mandatory Reporting
Maintain Confidentiality
Access to Confidential Information
Exceptions to the General Rule of Confidentiality
When to Break Confidentiality
Establish Professional Boundaries with Clients
Professional Versus Personal Boundaries
How to Maintain Professional Boundaries
Activity—How Do You Create Professional Boundaries?
The Significance of Values and Attitudes in Coaching
Activity—Identify Your Values: Questionnaire
Ethical Bracketing
Create a Career Coach Job Description for Your Practice
Legal Responsibilities of Your Work Role
Activity—Review a Job Description
Your Workplace Rights and Responsibilities
Follow Policies, Protocols, and Procedures
Activity—Work Within Identified Policies, Protocols, and Procedures
Responsibility of the Career Coach
Accepting Responsibility for Your Actions
Benefits of Accepting Responsibility for Your Actions
Activity—Accept Responsibility for Your Actions: Questionnaire
Activity—Understand the Legal Responsibilities of Your Work Role: Insightful Questions
Writing Case Notes
Download—Content to Include in the Case Notes
Video—Tips for Writing Case Notes
Video—How to Write Client Case Notes
Activity—Review Client Case Notes
Activity—Write File Notes of the Client's Career Coaching Session
Storage of Case Notes
Practice Policies
Rights of the Client
Client Responsibilities
Federal and State and Territory Laws—Australia
1. Privacy Legislation
Freedom of Information Act 1982, Reformed in 2010
2. Laws Protecting Human Rights
Right to Work
Federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Federal Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984
3. Workplace Health and Safety Law
4. Employment Laws and Regulations
Download—Fair Work Act 2009
Enterprise Agreements
Ethical Decision-Making
A Model for Ethical Decision-Making
Eight Steps in Making Ethical Decisions
Creative Problem Solving
Reflecting and Decision-Making
Activity—Apply the PMI Model to Your Situation
Activity—Apply the PMI Model to the Following Case Studies
Download—Write Your Action Plan
About the Module
Introduction to Developing Career Coaching Skills
Activity—Self-Reflection on Becoming a Career Coach
Client-Centered Career Development Approach
Video—10 Tips for Client-Centered Career Development Practitioners
Video—Person-Centered Therapy
Structuring Coaching Sessions
Skovholt’s Cycle of Caring
Stage 1—Empathic Attachment Phase
Video—Stage 2—Active Involvement Phase
Stage 3—Felt Separation Phase
Stage 4—Re-Creation Phase
Download—Applying Skovholt's Cycle of Caring to Your Practice
Introduction to Structuring the Coaching Program
Stage 1—Opening: Initial Contact
Stage 2—Exploring Client Understanding: Information Gathering
Stage 3—Subsequent Coaching Sessions
Video—Stage 4—Types of Coaching Intervention
Stage 5—Commitment to Action
Stage 6—Evaluation, Termination, or Referral
Download—Engaging the Client at Each Stage of the Coaching Process
Introduction to Egan’s Skilled Helper Model
Egan’s Skilled Helper Model
Stage 1—Exploration: The Current Picture: What is Going On?
Stage 2—Challenging: The Preferred Picture: What Do I Want Instead?
Stage 3—Action Planning: The Way Forward: How Will I Get There?
Activity—Role Play With a Client
Introduction to The GROW Model
1. Establish the Goal
2. Examine the Current Reality
3. Explore the Options
4. Establish the Will or Way Forward
Download—Practice Applying the GROW Model
Video—What Is Reflective Practice?
Critical Self-Reflection
Next Stage of Critical Reflective Practice
Two Types of Reflection: Reflection ON Action and Reflection IN Action
Video—Career Counseling in Action
Video—Career Counseling Role Play
Video—Benefits of Critical Reflection and Professional Practice
Download—Write Your Action Plan
About the Course
Introduction to Facilitating Career Development
Understanding and Implementing Effective Change
Introduction to Bridges’ Transition Model of Change
1. Ending, Losing, Letting Go
2. The Neutral Zone
3. The New Beginning
The Learning Points
Video—Applying the Model "Ending, Losing, Letting Go"
Download—Ask Yourself Powerful Reflective Questions
Introduction to Stages of Change, or Transtheoretical Model—James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente
Stage 1—Pre-Contemplation
Stage 2—Contemplation
Stage 3—Preparation
Stage 4—Action
Stage 5—Maintenance
Stage 6—Relapse or Termination
Activity—Understanding Your Stage of Change and the Strategies for Each Stage
Facilitating Career Coaching with Clients
The Qualities of a Career Coach
Activity—Reflective Activity: Identify the Qualities You Possess
Elements of Successful Career Coaching
Activity—Reflecting on Successful Career Coaching
Client Seeking Career Coaching
What is a Presenting Problem?
Iceberg Model in Coaching
Competencies Above and Below the Surface
Activity—Analyzing Below the Surface
What are the Basic Coaching Skills?
1. Building Rapport
2. Attending Behavior
Video—Actively Attending and Rapport Building
Types of Listening
Activity—Rate Your Listening Skills
Activity—Listening Quiz: Questions
Activity—Listening Quiz: Answers
3. Use of Silence
4. Reflecting and Paraphrasing
5. Clarifying Content and Use of Open-Ended Questions
Questioning Skills
Video—The Benefits of Asking Good Questions
Types of Questions
Video—Characteristics of a Good Question
How to Improve Your Questioning Skills
6. Focusing
7. Summarizing
Summary of Coaching Skills
Video—Sample Career Counseling Sessions
Non-Verbal Communication
Video—SOLER Technique
Activity—Role Play Career Coaching
8. Giving Feedback to the Client
Video—Tips When Giving Feedback
9. Flexibility
10. Maintaining Confidentiality
11. Career Decision Making Skills
1. Self-Assessment
2. Exploring Options
3. Making A Decision
4. Taking Action
5. Evaluating the Decision
Video—Unconventional Career Advice
Models to Assist Your Client to Make a Career Decision
Personal Resources
Activity—Use of Your Personal Resources
Locus of Control—Internal or External
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis
Video—Personal SWOT Analysis
Activity—Explore Your Personal SWOT Analysis
Decisional Balance Matrix
Activity—Making a Decisional Balance Matrix
12. Managing Conflict and Communication Breakdown with a Client
Strategies to Manage Conflict with a Client
13. Cultural Awareness and Competence
14. Using Career Resources in the Session
Activity—Identify Career Resources
Putting It All Together
Download—Write Your Action Plan
About The Module
Introduction to Administering Assessment Tools
What is Career Assessment?
Aim of Career Assessment
Video—Career Assessments
Video—The Psychology of Career Decisions
Types of Career Assessments
Activity—Administering an Assessment Tool
Types of Career Assessment Tools—What Can be Assessed?
How to Select an Appropriate Career Assessment
How to Select an Appropriate Career Coach
Methods of Career Assessment
Activity—Reflective Questions: Your Experience of Assessment Tools
Why is Career Assessment Important?
Application of the Assessment Tool
Introduction to the Factors to Consider When Administering Assessment
1. Objective
2. Client Appropriateness
3. The Environment
4. Timing of the Assessment
5. Reliability of the Assessment Tool
6. Validity of the Assessment Tool
7. Accreditation of the Assessment Tool
8. Source of the Assessment Tool
9. Cost of the Career Assessment Tool
10. Inclusion of Support Materials
11. Misconceptions About Assessment Tools
Ethical Issues to Consider
Rights of the Client Who Undertakes the Career Assessment
Activity—Review of Ethics and Rights
The Stages of Administering Career Assessments to Clients
1. Before Administering Assessment Tools
2. During a Test
3. After a Career Test
Giving Clients Feedback Following Career Assessment
Activity—Case Study: Administering Career Assessment
What Do I Want to Assess?
Activity—Apply a Range of Career Assessment Tools
1. Self-Directed Search
2. Interests
3. Personality
Activity—Identify Your Personality Attributes
4. Skills
Activity—Identify Your Skills
5. Values
Activity—Identify your Career Values
6. Strengths
Activity—Identify Your Strengths
7. Aptitude Assessments
8. Achievements
9. Emotional Intelligence (EI) Assessment
Activity—Reflect on Your Career Assessment
Benefits of Career Assessment Tests
Disadvantages of Career Assessments
Activities—Develop Experience with Undertaking Career Assessments
Writing Client File Notes in Coaching
Content to Include in the Case Notes
Writing Client Process Notes in Coaching
Video—Note Taking in Counseling
Activity—Write File Notes of the Client Career Coaching Session
Storage of Case Notes
Download—Write Your Action Plan
Video—About The Course
How to Help Your Clients Find the Perfect Job
The Four-Step Process in Undertaking Job Searching for Your Clients
Preparing for Your Job Search
Video—Job Applications—The Winning Edge
Activity—Self-Knowledge to Define Your Career and Work Goals
Define Their Career Goal
Video—Principles to Make Their Career Goal Effective
Activity―Devise Your Career Goal
Activity—Positive Attitude
Dealing with Obstacles
They Are Not Sure What Type of Job is Right for Them
They Don’t Have Experience
They Have a Gap in Their Resume or Their Skills and Experience are Superseded
Activity—Evaluate Their Transferable Skills
They Want to Change Industries and Type of Job
Not Finding the Right Opportunities
Not Hearing from an Employer
Not Being Called for a Job Interview
Not Having Sufficient Interview Practice
Not Receiving a Job Offer
Losing Confidence
Losing Motivation
Negative Attitudes of Those Around Them
Activity—Defining Their Obstacles and Applying a Solution-Focused Approach
World of Work
Remote Work and Virtual Meetings
New Roles
Different Industries
Jobs in Health and Care
Other Changes
Activity—Research the Industry That is of Interest to Your Client
Career Decision Making
Video—Types of Career Decisions
Video—Factors that Impact Their Career Decision-Making
Personal Resources
Activity—Use of Their Personal Resources
Models to Assist Clients to Make a Career Decision
1. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis
Example of SWOT Analysis of Negotiating a Pay Increase and Working From Home
Activity—Explore Personal SWOT Analysis
2. Decisional Balance Matrix
Activity—Making a Decisional Balance Matrix
Video—Tips to Make a Decision
Activity—Review Your Next Step
Job Seeking
Sources of Job Vacancies
Activity—Sources of Job Vacancies for Your Job Search
Job Search Strategies
Job Search Strategies Board
Download—Devise a Job Search Strategies Ideas Board
Stand Out With the Job Application
Search for the Right Jobs
Direct Application to an Organization
Customize Resume and Cover Letter
Network and Build Their Network
Video—Benefits of Networking
Create a LinkedIn Profile
Ensure Employers Can Find You
Research the Company
Introduction to Job Searching Plan
Review Your Next Step
Activity—Review Your Next Step
Establish a Plan
Job Searching Plan to Record Job Search Activities
Create a Schedule to Record Your Job Search Activity
A Job Folder to Showcase Your Achievements
Activity—Create a Job Folder
Dos and Don'ts When Job Searching
Download—Devise a Job Search Strategies Ideas Board
Job Applications With Winning Edge That Get Noticed
What is a Job Application?
Strategies to Get You Noticed
1. Preparations You Can Make
2. Analyze the Job Advertisement
3. Research The Organization, The Position, and The Industry
4. Assess the Qualifications and Skills Required in the Applicant
5. Tailor Your Job Application
6. Develop a Relationship With the Employer/Hiring Manager
7. Use Keywords in Your Application
8. Write a Customized Cover Letter
9. Tailor Your Resume
10. Follow Up
Tip—Don’t Overdo It!
Activity—Identify Appropriate Strategies
About the Cover Letter
The Objectives of Your Cover Letter
Content of a Cover Letter
Writing Style
Writing Your Cover Letter
Structure of Your Cover Letter
Format of Your Cover Letter
Download—Content For Each Section of the Cover Letter
Address Your Cover Letter to the Relevant Person
Include Relevant Job Advertisement Details in the Cover Letter
Writing Guidelines for Job Application Letters
Tips to Help You Write Your Cover Letter
Why is Presentation Important?
Download—Your Cover Letter Checklist
Activity—Write a Cover Letter
Resume Writing
What is a Resume?
What Makes a Good Resume?
Resume Styles
Style 1—Reverse Chronological Format
Headings to Include in Your Resume
Personal Details
Elevator Pitch—Career/Professional Summary
Key Skills
Career or Life Achievements
Career or Employment Details
Education and Training
Additional Information (optional)
Style 2—Functional Format
Download—Writing Your Resume—Functional Resume (Skills-Based) Format
Activity—List Your Skills
Download—Style 3—Combination Format
Creative Resumes—Sample
Tips When Writing and Presenting Your Resume
Action Words
General Resume Formatting Tips
Dos and Don'ts of Resume Writing
Download—Resume Checklist
Activity—Write a Resume
Follow Up on Your Application
Interview Skills
What is the Objective of an Interview?
Interview Styles
Video—The Formal Structured Interview
Video—Panel Interview
Video—Group Interviews
Video—Phone Interview Tips
The Spontaneous Interview
Virtual Job Interview
Videos—Virtual Interviews
How to Prepare for a Virtual Interview
Tips for a Successful Interview
Psychometric Assessment
Stages of an Interview
Three Steps for a Successful Interview
Traditional Versus Behavioral Interview Questions
Preparation for the Behavioral Interview
Questions in a Behavioral Interview
STAR Technique
Video—Applying the STAR Technique
Activity—Answer Interview Questions Using the STAR Technique
Prepare Your Own Questions
Know Your Salary Range
Interview Nervousness
Techniques to Reduce Your Interview Nervousness
Video—Experience a Creative Visualization
Videos—Experience a Guided Meditation
Sample Interview Questions
Illegal Interview Questions
Job Interview Tips
Activity—Apply the Interview Tips to Your Interview
Video—Successful Interview
Interviewee Mistakes and Advice
Download—Participate in a Mock Interview
Download—Evaluate Your Interview: Post Interview Questions
Interview Follow-Up
Some Important Dos and Don’ts When Calling for Feedback
You are Not Getting Interviews
Dealing With Rejection
Keep Persevering!
Interview Success and Job Offer
Download—Write Your Action Plan
Video—About the Course
Your Professional Self
Activity—Understanding Your Professional Self
Being Your Authentic Self
How to be Your Authentic Self
Activity—Measuring the Gap
Activity—Asking Insightful Questions to Discover Your Authentic Self
Personal Development
Activity—Develop Your Self-Awareness
How to Achieve Career Excellence: The Range Between BEST and Average
Pursue Professional and Personal Development
Have the Hunger to Achieve Excellence
Overcome Obstacles
Have a Mentor or Coach
Believe in Yourself
Have a Plan
Be Creative on How to Achieve Your Goal
Work Hard and Manage Your Time Strategically
Be Adaptable
Never Give Up
Enjoy What You are Doing and Find Your Passion
Purpose of Networking
Tips to Improve Your Networking Skills
Benefits of Networking
Develop a Growth Mindset
Professional Supervision
Making Time to Reflect on Your Practice
Looking After Yourself as a Career Coach
Activity—Reflective Questions for Your Growth and Development
Activity—Participate in a Meditation
Download—Write Your Action Plan
Video—About The Course
Before You Start Your Coaching Business
Qualities and Skills of a Business Owner
Commitment and Persistence
Hard Work, Self-Discipline, and Dedication
Growth Mindset
Act Like a Successful Person
1. Delegation
2. Thought Leadership
3. Communication Skills
4. Proactivity
5. Financial Literacy
6. Leadership
7. Emotional Intelligence
8. Sales Skills
9. Customer Service
10. Digital Marketing
11. Self-Awareness of Blind Spots
Activity—Rate Your Qualities and Skills as a Successful Business Owner
Know Your Why
Video—Find Your Why
Activity—Describe Your Why: Find Your Story
Your Business Vision
Business Success Is Like an Iceberg—The Illusion of Success
People Do Not See on the Success Iceberg—Sacrifice
Eight Sacrifices Business People Make for Their Success
Activity—Identify Your Personal Sacrifice
People Do Not See on the Success Iceberg—Disappointment
People Do Not See on the Success Iceberg—Rejection
Activity—Address Challenges and Hardships of Success
Managing Stress
Activity—How Stressed are You?
Download—Assess Your Stress Symptoms
Activity—Are You Ready to Start a Business?
Planning Your Business
1. Need for Your Career Coaching Service in Your Area
Advice from the Australian Government
Activity—Research the Need for Your Business
2. Assess Your Finances
3. Business Structure
4. Choose a Business Name
Activity—Name Your Business
5. Register Your Business Name
6. Register Your Business
7. Design a Business Logo
8. Clarify Your Target Customers or Clients
Research Demographics
Understand Your Customer
Identify Goals, Values, and Fears of Your Customer
Understand the Customer’s Decision-Making Buying Process
Write the Customer Research
Activity—Identify Your Customer Avatar
9. Know Your Competitors
Activity—Research Your Competitors
Now-Where-How Model
Activity—State Where You are Now in Relation to the Business
Activity—State Where You Want to be in the Future in Relation to the Business
Write a Business Plan
Activity—Before Starting Your Business Plan
Download—Business Plan Template
Write a Business Plan
Video—How to Write a Business Plan
Business Plan Format
Executive Summary of Your Business
Business Profile—Company Description
Vision, Mission, Goals, and Direction of Your Business
Activity—Values, Mission, Goals and Direction of Your Business
Download—Market Analysis
PESTEL Analysis—Optional
Activity—Identify the PESTEL Factors that Can Impact your Business (Optional)
Organization and Management
Activity—Organization and Management
Build Your Support Team
Services Your Business Will Offer
SWOT Analysis
Video—SWOT Analysis
Activity—Write a SWOT Analysis
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Activity—Research Examples of Unique Selling Propositions (USPs)
Risk Analysis
Activity—Conduct a Risk Assessment or Risk Identification of Your Business with Risk Management Strategies
Insurance Policies
Marketing and Sales Plan
Video—The 7Ps of Marketing
Activity—Devise the 7Ps of Your Business
Strategy and Implementation
Download—What Sales Activity Can You Undertake for Your Business?
Develop a Powerful Message
How to Write a Value Proposition
Activity—Write a Value Proposition for Your Business
Business Plan Review
Brand Your Business
Company Website
Social Media in Business
Benefits of Social Media
Disadvantages of Social Media
Download—Identify Social Media Strategies for Your Business
Email Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your Website
Offline Marketing Strategies
Create a Marketing Plan
Download—Write Your Marketing Plan
Financial Projections
Evaluate Your Decision—Is There a Demand for Your Business?
Activity—Write Your Business Plan
How to Start a Coaching Business
Define Your Mission and Coaching Philosophy
Activity—Write Your Coaching Philosophy
Your Certification to Highlight Your Expertise
Activity—Recognizing Your Certification
Provide Social Proof of Your Expertise
Activity—What Social Proof Can You Provide of Your Expertise?
Productize Your Knowledge
Your Coaching Rate
Activity—Research Your Coaching Rate
Activity—Action for Your Career Coaching Practice: Putting it All Together
Create an Action Plan
Activity—Create a One Page Action Plan
Launching Your Business
Will My Business Have a Soft or Hard Launch?
Set Yourself Up to Accept Payments
Your Finances
Activity—Set Up and Manage Your Business Records
Streamline Your Business
Automate Your Business
Activity—Select Areas to Automate Your Business
Hire and Manage Employees
Decide on the Type of Employee
Decide on the Employment Type
Assess Employment Impacts and Costs
Activity—Familiarize the Hiring Employees’ Checklist
Build Your Professional Relationships
How to Build Relationships with People
Activity―Develop Your Relationships
Customer Service
Benefits of Good Customer Service
Activity—Reflections on Customer Service
Growing Your Business
1. Work on Your Business, Not Just in Your Business
Activity—Strategic Questions
2. Block Out Time for Strategic Thinking
3. Increase Customer Retention
4. Continuous Improvement
Activity—Identify Activities for Customer Retention
Five Crucial Aspects of an Improvement Plan
5. Participate in Networking Events
6. Partner with Businesses
Activity—Question: With Whom Can Your Business Partner?
7. Market Penetration
8. Market Development—Extend to New Markets
Activity—Question: How Can Your Business Extend to New Markets?
9. Product Development
10. Diversification
Activity—Question: Can Your Business Diversify?
11. Produce a YouTube Clip or Host a Webinar
12. Upload Content Marketing
Video—Recurring Transactions
Activity—View an Example of Content Marketing
13. Publish a Blog on LinkedIn
14. Offer to Guest Blog
15. Create a Podcast
16. Optimize Your Content for Search Engines
17. Start a Referral Program
18. Create Social Media Presence to Engage With Your Customers
19. Pay-Per-Click Advertising
20. Social Media Advertising
21. Remarketing Campaigns
22. Give Away a Product or Contest
23. Tell Your Brand Story
24. Interactive Content Marketing
25. Optimize Your Email Signature
26. Establish a Members-Only Section of Your Website
27. Offer Early Access to Your Products or Services
28. Professional Development
Activity—Identify Your Growth Strategies: Putting it Together
Your Business Exit
Succession Planning
Selling Your Business
Closing Your Business
Activity—Reflect on Your Business Exit Strategy
Activity—Review Your Future Vision
Download—Write Your Action Plan
Conclusion to Module
Do You Need a Career Coach?
The Next Step Is...
Program Survey and Feedback
About this course
- $3,646.00
- 863 lessons
- 1.5 hours of video content