Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. About Course Author

    3. Our Approach to Learning

    4. The Path to Future Success™

    5. Activity—Goals and Program Survey

    1. Activity—View a Video—The Difference Between Negative and Positive Stress

    2. The Stress Continuum

    3. Activity—Where Are You on the Stress Continuum?

    4. How You Think About Stress Matters

    5. The Benefits of Positive Stress

    6. 1. Improves Physical Health

    7. 2. Boosts the Immune System

    8. 3. Improves Cognitive (Brain) Performance

    9. 4. Better Mental Health

    10. 5. Enhances Motivation

    11. 6. Improves Resilience

    12. 7. Improves Sleep

    13. 8. Increases Life Span

    14. Activity—View a Video—Techniques to Have Positive Stress in Our Lives

    1. Self-Talk to Reduce Stress

    2. Reframe Your Thoughts

    3. Activity—Reframe a Negative Thought Into a Positive, Constructive Thought

    1. Positive Thinking

    2. Reframe a Situation as an Opportunity

    3. Positive Body Language

    4. Surround Yourself With Positive People

    5. Learn to See the Funny or "Light" Side of a Situation

    6. Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

    7. Activity—How Can You See the Cup as Half Full?

    1. Work-Life Balance

    2. Activity—Construct Your Wheel of Life

    3. Activity—Reflective Questions: Present Situation

    4. Strategies for Work-Life Balance

    5. 1. Know Your Priorities and Values

    6. 2. Set Specific Goals

    7. 3. Schedule Your Time

    8. 4. Negotiate Flexible Working Conditions

    9. 5. Set Boundaries About Your Work Structure

    10. 6. Make Time for Your Personal Activities and "Down" Time

    11. 7. Take Care of Your Health

    12. 8. Nurture Your Family and Personal Relationships

    13. 9. Know When to Ask for Help

    14. Activity—What Work-Life Balance Strategies Can You Use?

    1. Mindfulness to Reduce Stress

    2. Activity—View a Video: Tap Into Your Senses

    3. Activity—Tap Into Your Senses

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 68 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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