Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. About Course Author

    3. Our Approach to Learning

    4. About How to Manage Team Conflict Course

    5. The Path to Future Success™

    6. Activity—Goals and Program Survey

    7. About Course Author

    1. Introduction to Conflict

    2. Activity—Reflect on Your Experience with Conflict

    3. Definition of Conflict

    4. Components of Conflict Resolution Model

    5. Activity—Use the Components of Conflict Model

    6. Types of Workplace Conflict

    7. 1. Individual Conflict

    8. 2. Interpersonal Conflict

    9. 3. Group Conflict

    10. 4. Organizational or Workplace Conflict

    11. Activity—Identify a Team Conflict

    12. Activity—View a Video—Discriminate Between Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict

    13. Activity—View a Video—Stages of Conflict

    14. Ways to Address Conflict

    15. Four Elements of Principled Negotiation

    16. View Conflict from the "The Third Side" from the Balcony

    17. Activity—Taking the Third Side

    1. Activity—View a Video—Conflict Handling Behavior Styles

    2. Activity—Applying the Competitive or Collaborative Approaches

    3. Tips for Gaining Perspective on a Conflict Situation

    4. The Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model

    5. Download—Identify Your Conflict Handling Style

    6. Activity—Scoring The Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument

    7. Interpreting Your Scores

    8. Benefits and Costs of Each Conflict-Handling Style

    1. Conflict Resolution Skills

    2. 1. Self-awareness

    3. 2. Active Listening

    4. 3. Emotional Intelligence

    5. 4. Empathy

    6. 5. Positivity

    7. 6. Communication

    8. 7. Patience

    9. 8. Problem-Solving and Mediation

    10. 9. Problem-solving Process

    11. The 11 Steps in Problem-Solving Mediation

    12. Download—Assess Your Conflict Resolution Skills

    13. Activity—Practice Using Conflict Resolution Skills with Feedback

    14. Activity—View a Video: Problem Solving

    15. Activity—View a Video: Mediation

    16. Activity—View a Video: Example of a Mediation Session

    17. Activity—Practice the Skills of Either Problem Solving or Mediation

    1. Managing Team Conflict

    2. 1. Mapping the Conflict

    3. Steps in Mapping the Conflict

    4. Activity—Planning Your Negotiation and Mapping a Specific Conflict

    5. Download—Map a Team Conflict

    6. 2. Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)

    7. The Importance of Managing Team Conflict

    1. Conclusion

    2. Activity—Write Your Action Plan

    3. Do You Need a Career Coach?

    4. The Next Step Is...

    5. Program Survey and Feedback

About this course

  • $247.00
  • 61 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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