Master Your Time for Effective Results (4 Hrs) INTERMEDIATE
Master Your Time for Effective Results | Get Control Over Your Day with this Online Course. Learn how to manage your time and get effective results with an online course.
Video—About Course Author
Video—Our Approach to Learning
Video—The Path to Future Success™
Video—About The Course
Activity—Goals and Program Survey
Introduction to Time Management for Effective Results
What is Time Management?
Time Management for Effective Results
Video—Myths About Time Management
Time Management Begins with Planning
Video—The 7 Elements of Time Management Effective Planning
Video—Strategies for Planning
Video—Strategies for Organizing
Video—Strategies for Discipline
Activity—Review Your Time Management
Download—Questionnaire: Assess Your Time Management Behavior
Activity—Reflect on Your Time Management Behavior
Time Management Problems
Personal Time Management
Activity—Analyze Your Diary/Schedule
Time Management Based on Personal Values
Activity—Understanding Your Time Management Values
Your Energy Level
Activity—Graph Your Energy Level
1. Distractions, Interruptions, and Time Wasters
Activity—Rate Your Time Management Issues
2. Overcoming Procrastination
Activity—Develop Strategies for Your Time Management Issues
Download—Quiz: Are You a Procrastinator?
Video—Inside The Mind of a Master Procrastinator
Video—9 Strategies to Overcome Procrastination
3. Handling Interruptions
4. Difficulty Saying ‘No’
5. Avoiding Crises
Video—Tips for Avoiding Crises
6. Difficulty Prioritizing Tasks
Time Management Matrix
Activity—Complete the Time Management Matrix
Delegate Tasks to Manage Your Time
Video—Five Principles of Effective Delegation
Video—How Should You Delegate Tasks and Responsibilities?
Download—Delegation Action Plan
Work-Life Balance
Components of Work-Life Balance
Activity—Making Changes for Your Personal Wellbeing
Download—Construct Your Wheel of Life: Present
Activity—Construct Your Wheel of Life: Future
Nine Strategies for Work-Life Balance