Course curriculum

    1. Video—Welcome

    2. Video—About Course Author

    3. Video—Our Approach to Learning

    4. Video—The Path to Future Success™

    5. About the Course

    6. Activity—Goals and Program Survey

    1. Well-Being and Self-Care

    2. What is Self-Awareness?

    3. External Self-Awareness

    4. Internal Self-Awareness

    5. The Importance of Well-being and Self-Care for Professionals

    6. The Awareness Wheel

    7. Download—Apply the Awareness Wheel to a Situation

    8. Activity—Develop Your Self-Awareness: Insightful Questions

    9. Activity—Understanding Your Motivation: Three Whys

    10. How to Develop Self-Awareness

    11. Benefits of Self-Awareness

    1. Focus on Wellness

    2. Holistic Wellness

    3. The Wellness Wheel

    4. Video—The Wellness Wheel

    5. Activity—Reflection on Your Wellness Wheel

    6. Roadblocks to Wellness and Strategies That Support You

    1. What is Self-Care?

    2. Download—Self-Care Questionnaire

    3. General Guidelines for Self—Care

    4. Your Professional Network as a Self-Care Strategy

    5. Activity―Identify Your Professional Network

    6. Download—Identify Your Self-Care Toolbox

    7. The Importance of Well-being and Self-Care

    8. The Impact of Neglecting Your Well-Being and Self-Care

    9. Benefits Of Self-Awareness And Self-Care

    10. Activity—Create a Self-Care Vision Board

    1. Download—Write Your Action Plan

    2. Conclusion

    3. Do You Need a Career Coach?

    4. Program Survey and Feedback

About this course

  • $220.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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