Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to the course

    1. 1. Section 1: What are study skills?

    2. Introduction

    3. Aim

    4. Course Content

    5. What are study skills?

    6. Introduction

    7. Objectives

    8. Before you start

    9. Styles of learning

    10. Activity Questionnaire

    11. Reflective comments

    12. Conclusion

    1. 2. Section 2 – Time management to support your learning

    2. Introduction

    3. Aims

    4. Course content

    5. Time management to support your learning

    6. Where to study

    7. When to study

    8. Create a study plan

    9. The value of a study plan

    10. Activity – Devise a study plan timetable

    11. Work-life balance

    12. Components of work-life balance

    13. Activity – Construct your wheel of life – Present situation

    14. Activity – Construct your wheel of life – Future situation

    15. Tips to maintain your study/work/personal life balance

    16. Your study goals

    17. Activity – Identify your goal

    18. How to set a study goal

    19. Activity – Devise your goal

    20. How to set a study goal

    21. Your future self

    22. Developing into your future self can be challenging

    23. Activity – Watch a video – Your future self

    24. Plan for your future self

    25. Activity – Steps to Developing your Future Self

    26. Activity – Steps to Developing your Future Self – Write a Future Self Journal

    27. Activity – Timeline or Vision Boarding

    28. Plan for your Future Self

    29. Barriers to your study

    30. Ways to stop procrastinating

    31. Time management issues – Distractions, Interruptions, and Time Wasters

    32. Activity – Rate your time management issue

    33. Strategies for effective time management

    34. Conclusion

    1. 3. Section 3 – Difficulty prioritising time

    2. Introduction

    3. Aims

    4. Course content

    5. Difficulty prioritising time

    6. Time Management Matrix

    7. How to Apply the Time Matrix

    8. Activity – Complete the Time Management Matrix

    9. Activity – Planning your tasks

    10. Using your energy level to maximise your studies

    11. Activity – Graph your energy level

    12. Activity – How to improve personal energy

    13. How To Improve Personal Energy

    14. Principles for effective study

    15. Set goals

    16. Apply a positive approach to study

    17. Self-discipline to attend lectures, workshops, and training sessions

    18. Choose a suitable place to study

    19. Schedule your learning

    20. Break down your task

    21. Experience social learning

    22. Activity ― Identify strategies for your studies

    23. 3 Secrets of study success

    24. Stay resilient

    25. Five pillars of resilience

    26. Activity – Quiz – Rate your resilience level

    27. What influences resilience?

    28. How to promote resilience

    29. Build a strong network

    30. Rest your body and mind

    31. Five Things You Need for a Successful Mindset

    32. Manage Stress

    33. Stress symptoms

    34. Activity — Self- rating - How stressed are you?

    35. Strategies to Deal with Stress

    36. Healthy Lifestyle

    37. Conclusion

    1. 4. Section 4 – Identify your learning style

    2. Introduction

    3. Aims

    4. Course content

    5. Identify your learning style

    6. Right and left-brain learners

    7. Activity – Identify your brain activity

    8. Activity – Questionnaire – Identify the dominant side of your brain

    9. Sequential and global learners

    10. Activity ― What type of learner are you?

    11. (Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic) VAK learning style

    12. Activity ― Watch a video ― Understand your preferred learning style

    13. Activity ― Questionnaire ― Identify your preferred learning style

    14. Self-monitoring

    15. Activity ― Rate your level of self-monitoring

    16. Reflective questions and next step

    17. Activity ― Evaluate my Self-Monitoring Ability

    18. Activity ― Quiz ― Self-Monitoring Scale

    19. Research skills

    20. Principles of research skills to apply to your studies

    21. Activity ―Apply your Research Skills

    22. Note-taking skills

    23. Features of good notes

    24. Five techniques for effective note taking

    25. Synthesizing content

    26. Organize your sources

    27. Outline your structure

    28. Write paragraphs with topic sentences

    29. Revise, edit and proofread

    30. Features of good notes

    31. Activity – Practice writing study notes

    32. Brainstorming

    33. Brainstorming tools

    34. Mind mapping

    35. Aims of mind mapping

    36. How to construct a mind map

    37. Principles of mind mapping

    38. Benefits of Mind Mapping

    39. Activity ― Watch a video ― mind mapping

    40. Activity ― Draw a mind map

    41. Conclusion

    1. 5. Section 5 – Revision

    2. Introduction

    3. Aims

    4. Course content

    5. Revision

    6. Questioning

    7. Activity ― Use a range of questioning skills

    8. Reading strategies to assess content

    9. Different types of reading

    10. Activity ― Question ― Identify the reading styles for your studies

    11. The active reading process

    12. Strategies for active reading

    13. Activity ― Watch a video ― Active reading strategies

    14. Referencing

    15. When should you reference?

    16. Why it is important to reference?

    17. What is plagiarism?

    18. Referencing styles

    19. Types of referencing

    20. Types of citations

    21. How to reference

    22. References to journal articles

    23. Direct quotes

    24. Additional Information

    25. Reference list and bibliography

    26. Activity ― Review the video on how to reference

    27. Conclusion

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